
Hello and welcome to the Blog for the motor vessel ("m/v") Jenny G. The maritime world has been explored for thousands of years and we've realized that, even if a route is old, it's new to us. We write this blog with the hope that you'll create your own nautical adventures. Enjoy!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Anchorage: Tumbo & Cabbage Islands

At the Southeast corner of Canada's Gulf Island lies the dual islets of Tumbo & Cabbage Islands, and they do feel remote. Although we've only been there in dead calm water, we're a little intimidated to stare into 90 miles of open water on the Straight of Georgia directly off our bow.

However, one 10-minute walk around the entire Cabbage Island and we were hooked for life. We recommend visiting on a Sunday afternoon, when everyone else is gone. However, the weather kept most boaters away and we shared the anchorage channel with only three other boats.

Plus, we had the sunset you see above. Do you see the same sailboat in the clouds that I do?

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